The sport turned out to be not only able to maintain health human physical, but also mental. Even in some cases, exercise can be an efficacious cure depression. According to Prof. Adrian Taylor of Universuty of Exeter, this is because the exercise can be a means of distraction from anxiety and worry. Sports can also provide a sense of control and release hormones givers a sense of calm.
While exercising, the heart pumps more blood so the oxygen spread to all parts of the body, blood circulation becomes smooth. This condition allows the brain receives enough oxygen so that it performs better. Experts agree that a good brain performance can make a person's physical and mental reactions for the better.
Exercise and mental health. The brain works good also helps improve memory. Recent research proves that mild exercise such as walking can help prevent a decrease in the working brain power in women of advanced age. The longer and often walk is done then the sharpness of mind also is getting better. Activities that do not need high intensity, an important power pacemaker keep increasing, and ingatanpun become sharp.
A study conducted in the United States, Canada, and France indicated that patients with heart disease who exercised as much depression levels decreased 1.75 points in the first three months of practice. While the patient is being treated with drugs without exercise only decline by as much as 1 point.
Exercise and mental health. Do outdoor sports with many green areas such as artificial forests in the park or for recreation. A study published in the American journal Environmental Science & Technology mentions, exercise in a green area for five minutes can improve mood. Then invite your closest people You to workout together to keep you can interact and feel happier. Remember, mental health improvements in the short term can provide protection of health in the long term.
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