Health is something that is very valuable. When conditions are healthy, as if people do not feel how valuable, however when sick approaching, people wake up. Because people who are sick can't work the most, can't move freely and freely as well as issuing rupiah that does little. Especially now that the environment is not sealami a few decades ago, the quality of air, water and land continue to decline. Lacing food made from chemicals and berpengawet are also burgeoning. The workload is getting people didn't get more exercise regularly and enjoy the refreshing to quiet the mind. Five easy tips for healthy living below, presumably can help you become healthier, fitter, and spared from the disease.
1. Eat is healthy and balanced
The body to be able to grow and develop and run its functions with a maximum intake of nutrition requires a balanced nutritional intake, most of the food consumed. Cook it as much as possible does not destroy nutrients and fiber. So still benefit the mengonsumsinya. Everyone has different needs.
2. Food and drink
So many foods and beverages that are now manufactured by the industry, where production is done en masse, a long chain so it takes a long time to arrive at the consumer. This causes the food and drinks that contain preservatives. Kurangilah and start glancing natural foodstuffs.
3. Exercise regularly.
Exercise the right way and the right time, in the morning mainly will make smooth blood circulation, strengthen muscles and bones.
4. Avoid stress
The burden of life that the more high, the war of interests with people sometimes bring stress. Physical symptoms arising are headache, abdominal pain, increased high blood pressure, chest pain and difficulty sleeping.
5. Enlarge of gratitude
A rooted sense of gratitude and materialized in life will make a quiet mind and heart. Healthy spiritually affects physical health.
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