Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When To Go To The Pediatrician?

Having a baby who is sick indeed makes a mother worry. If it's just minor illnesses such as a cold or is it something more serious? You don't want to put off going to the pediatrician if your child requires medical help, but you don't want to make it too worrying.

Below is a list of signs and symptoms that are really in need of medical attention. And you can decide when to go to the pediatrician :

  • A baby or toddler looks blue around the lips, sometimes darker than blue. This requires immediate attention.
  • Infants or toddlers You sleepy and unusual like that when he's awake. This includes if babies or toddlers really unresponsive. This requires immediate attention. But what is meant here is not saaat good night's sleep or just waking up from his sleep.
  • A baby or toddler cold when we touch and when you press on the breastbone (sternum) for 5 seconds until pale skin then remove, if the color is not returned within 3 seconds. This requires immediate attention.
  • Infants or toddlers are difficult to breathe. You may see the respiratory muscles on the chest (ribs) sticking out on each of her breathing. You need to seek help if this doesn't changes more than one hour.
  • A baby or toddler vomiting is colored bright green. This indicates a blockage in the intestines. This requires urgent attention.
  • Infants or toddlers You urinating there is blood and mucus the magnitude, especially if prior bowel movements preceded by crying before. This could be intususeption. This requires urgent attention.
  • A baby or toddler experiencing fever for 5 days or more and look less healthy and generally it was not good – then you have to know when to leave the doctor immediately seek help within 24 hours.
  • Infants or toddlers no longer have activity as the previous days. For example, your baby can no longer sit or stand whereas before he could do so. The meaning here is not from day to day, but the trend over time that your child seems to be regressing in its development.
  • A baby or toddler is weight loss in infants. That is to say not at one moment alone, but her weight tends to decline over time, then you must be alert and know when to go to the doctor.

If you are worried that your baby or toddler is the best determinant of your pain just as you get to know your child's own good. If you are so worried, it is best to seek advice from a doctor or paramedic. And you can make the decision when to go to the pediatrician.

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